速報APP / 健康塑身 / Toothache remedy

Toothache remedy





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Toothache remedy(圖1)-速報App

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Severe and prolonged tooth aches require proper consultation from the dentist.

Minor tooth aches can be taken care off with easy home remedies and a little awareness.

Here are few of the helpful tricks which will effectively help you control it.

First tap on Symptoms and then tap on one or more icons that say Add to Your Therapy. You will see a short message ("toast") that the symptom is entered into the therapy.

You can select all symptoms that you want now or later, it does not matter. Once entered, you will be able to delete the chosen symptom with a click of a button.

Then tap on various groups of remedies. Typically, these will be Homeopathy, Bach Flower remedies, Ayurveda and others. Visit these therapies and tap on icon to select the remedy and enter it into the chosen therapy.

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The most effective herbal remedies

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How to stop the pain fast

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Tips for self treatment at home

When to see a dentist

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Toothache remedy(圖2)-速報App

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Easy do-it-yourself instructions

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throbbing tooth pain that comes and goes

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Symptoms of toothache

Herbal cures

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Homeopathic remedies

Bach Flower remedies


Toothache remedy(圖3)-速報App

How to use this app?